
Well Dear Readers, it is official I have been blogging on the Lit Bitch now for two years!  🙂

I can’t believe I’ve been able to keep it up for so long, my blog has come a long way!

I must also say, it is people like you Dear Readers that make me keep blogging and reading….it is clear that there are others out there who like to hear me talk….or, well….write 🙂

Thank you readers for following a long and supporting my blog . I love you all and cheers to another year of blogging!

16 thoughts on “Blog-iversary

  1. Happy Blog Birthday. I’m working my way through the Outlander series now, I like it, but I don’t think I read it frequently enough to keep up with a challenge. None of the books have sucked me in the way the first one did. I might have even found Dragonfly in Amber a wee bit painful at times…

    1. No worries I totally understand, Outlander isn’t for everyone. I had trouble with DIA and Voyager but the rest read pretty smoothly for me. I can’t wait for the next book which is due out in 2013. The last book left quite a cliff hanger 🙂

  2. Happy blogversary! I’ve had a rough week, so I’m sorry it took me a day or so to get over here and congratulate you! You run a great blog and obviously work hard at it. All the best!

    1. Awww thank you love! Hope your week is going better. I’ve been sick for the last 3 days and haven’t gotten much reading done…..hope to catch up this weekend. Cheers!

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