10 Reasons Why Reading Books Makes You a Better Person

Books offer a multitude of benefits for individuals. They can aid in falling asleep, reduce stress through laughter or tears, provide an escape from reality, and broaden your horizons by exposing you to different perspectives. According to scientific research, the habit of reading can enhance your overall well-being in ten ways. If you are looking for the main reasons why reading is important, you will get more than enough compelling arguments in favor of reading. You can perceive this as the benefits of reading books for people of all ages, statuses, etc.

Why Reading Books Makes You a Better Person?

1 Raises your intelligence

Researchers from the University of Edinburgh and King’s College London conducted a study on 1,890 twin pairs, assessing them five times between the ages of 7 and 16 for their reading ability and IQ. The findings revealed that children with superior reading skills, in contrast to their twins, also demonstrated higher verbal and nonverbal cognitive abilities. The authors hypothesize that reading not only aids in fact retention but also promotes abstract thinking by encouraging readers to visualize a book’s narrative and empathize with its characters.

2 Reduces stress

Stress, a prevalent concern in our contemporary lives, can be significantly mitigated through the simple act of reading. Research from the University of Sussex reveals that just six minutes of silent reading can slash stress levels by 68%. Surprisingly, reading outperforms other relaxation techniques such as listening to music, taking a walk, or enjoying a soothing cup of tea.

When you pick up a book or read free novels online, you focus your attention on the book. That is, novels seem to distract your mind from unpleasant thoughts. Like nothing better, novels online help you escape from reality. Once you log into FictionMe to read iOS novels, you are transported to another world. You can read novels online about werewolves, romance stories, space, zombies, etc. Novels stories that intrigue you and redirect your thoughts help you get rid of the overload of negative thoughts. Moreover, there is a large selection of free novels online.

3 Protects your memory

A study published in Neurology by the American Academy of Neurology highlights the benefits of brain-stimulating activities like reading as we age. Researchers assessed the memory and cognitive abilities of 294 individuals annually over about six years until their average death age of 89. Post-mortem brain autopsies checked for dementia indicators, such as lesions, plaques, and tangles. Findings revealed that those who engaged in mental exercises both early and later in life experienced a 32% slower memory decline compared to those with average mental activity. Conversely, individuals with infrequent cognitive engagement saw their memory deteriorate 48% faster than those maintaining average mental activity levels.

4 Builds empathy

Reading fiction can significantly enhance empathy by allowing readers to experience the world through the eyes of various characters. This effect is especially noticeable when reading romance novels online, when you can mentally escape from the real world directly into a romantic story. A study revealed that just one week of fiction reading led to notable self-reported improvements in empathic abilities. Importantly, the deeper readers felt immersed in the fictional world, the greater their empathic development.

5 Helps communicate more effectively

Reading enhances your language skills, enabling you to articulate your thoughts and emotions more precisely. This improvement makes you a better communicator, positively impacting all your relationships. Finding the right words to convey my internal world to others is incredibly freeing. Such effective communication fosters deep, enduring connections based on mutual understanding.

6 Improves sleep

Reading before bedtime can significantly enhance sleep quality, particularly when incorporated into a nightly ritual. This practice offers several benefits for your sleep hygiene:

  1. Reduction of Stress and Anxiety: Engaging in reading helps lower stress, anxiety, and muscle tension, promoting relaxation and making it easier to set aside worrisome thoughts as you prepare for sleep.
  2. Establishment of a Sleep Routine: Turning reading into a nightly habit helps your mind associate this activity with sleep. It’s crucial to use a paperback book or an eReader instead of backlit devices like smartphones or tablets. The latter can interfere with melatonin production and keep your mind overly alert due to internet browsing and social media.

7 Improves relationships

Reading indirectly enhances our relationships by boosting empathy, a crucial element for meaningful interactions. Contrary to the solitary bookworm stereotype, research shows that reading literary fiction improves our ability to understand others’ emotions and thoughts, enhances social skills, and fosters better connections with people from diverse backgrounds.

8 Inspire success

Have you ever heard the saying, “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers”? This statement holds significant truth.

Historically, many prominent leaders were passionate readers. Modern business icons like Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, and Elon Musk credit much of their success to their reading habits. Research from the US indicates that active readers tend to earn up to five times more than those who rarely read. A study of the world’s wealthiest individuals found that their shared trait was a consistent reading habit. Similarly, UK research revealed that higher socio-economic status correlates with more frequent reading.

9 Makes you a better writer

A study at the University of California, Riverside identified that among 46 factors, reading ability had the most significant impact on writing achievement. Essentially, you enhance your writing skills by absorbing various writing styles through reading. To become a better communicator, prioritize improving your reading habits.

10 Makes you sexy

Looking for top-notch relationship advice? Check out Jordan Gray, an Amazon best-selling author, coach, and public speaker. Jordan believes that knowledge and personal growth can make you more appealing to potential partners.

If you’re unsure about what to talk about on a first date or feel stuck in your current relationship, dive into some good books, spark a conversation, and exchange insights. As you read more, your partner is likely to follow suit, making both of you more engaging and interesting. Start reading and become more fascinating together!


Books are the fuel for personal development and this is an apt comparison. It is difficult to develop without any mental nourishment. The same is true in the opposite direction, even if the goal is not limited to personal growth, a person will still develop as he reads any books.

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